
If you write in the Women's Fiction genre, this is a community for you. Founded in 2013, WFWA is a diverse international community of aspiring, debut, and multi-published authors. Our non-profit organization is led by dedicated volunteers, all of whom are writers.

 Celebrating WFWA Volunteers 

As National Volunteer Appreciation Week approaches its close on April 27, 2024, WFWA is sending a special shout out to everyone who volunteers for us – all 108 roles! Our volunteers are the engine that make WFWA the community it is. 

To those of you who find time to volunteer for multiple roles, thanks again! Those names are in bold. Following is a comprehensive list of our volunteers. WE WOULD NOT BE WFWA WITHOUT YOU!

Presidential Appointments: Led by Kristi Leonard, President

Denny Bryce: Guiding Scribe

Christine Adler: Past Presidential Advisor

Kris Verdeck - Agent Coordinator

Madeline Martin - Agent Liaison

Kerry Savage - Book Submission Coordinator

Programs Volunteers: Led by Tara Baisden, VP of Programs

Debbie Abbott, Christine Adler, Amy Anderson, Hope Ashby, Laura Barrow, Betty Bolte, Debra Borchert, Dorothea Buckingham, Tamatha Cain, Jill Caugherty, Kerry Chaput, Charlotte Chipperfield, Stephanie Claypool, Gabi Coatsworth, Barbara Conrey, Carla Damron, Lynn Diener, Katie Erickson, Robin Facer, Elise Farotto, Trish Feehan, Lisa Fellinger, Priya Gill, Kim Gottlieb-Walker, Cherie Dawn Haas, Edy Hackett, Ginger Haggerty, Leslie Hall, Brenda Heald, Hend Hegazi, Terilyn Hernandez, Kristy Hodges, LL Kirchner, Orly Konig, Sara LaFontain, Melissa Lanning Trumpower, Hadley Leggett, Najla Mamou, Catherine Matthews, Heidi McCahan, Rachel Michelson, Lisa Montanaro, Michele Montgomery, Beth Morris, Debra Pappler, Sharon Ritchey, Pauline Rogers, Kerry Savage, Kristen Stewart, Pamela Stockwell, Nancy Taber, Katie Tammen, Delise Torres, Sarah Vance-Tompkins, Patty Warren and Krista White.

Communications Volunteers: Led by Kori Kobzina, VP of Communications

Nancie Abuhaidar, Christine Adler, Gina Andrew, Yaymed Arocho, Tiffany Butler, Brittany Clair, Jen Craven, Beth Dotson-Brown, Tanya Enberg, Penny Haw, Bethany Hill, Kathi Jenkins, Nanette Littlestone, Rachel MacDonald, Pamala Mahajan, Lorraine Norwood, Michelle Paris, AmiLyn Reece, Sue Reynolds, Diane Riley, Sharon Ritchey, Fran Shimp, Maggie Smith, Katie Tammen, Sheri Taylor-Emery, Sarah Vance-Tompkins and Caitlin Weaver.

Diversity and Inclusion Volunteers: Led by Marie Watts, VP of Diversity and Inclusion

Stacy Hawkins Adams, Vickey Finkley-Brown, Cassandra Hill, Gisele Lewis, Najla Mamou, Virginia McCullough, Lisa Montanaro, Bridges DelPonte, Janet Rundquist, Grace Santamaria and Roxana Trabulsi.

Membership: Led by Wendy Rossi, VP of Membership

Barbara Conrey, Lisa Fellinger, Brenda Heald, Rachel Michelson, Pauline Rogers, Kristen Stewart, Krista White.

Events: Led by Leah DeCesare, VP of Events

Amy Anderson, Lynn Diener, Leslie Hall, Orly Konig and Melissa Lanning Trumpower.

Technology: Led by Catherine Matthews, VP of Technology

Hope Ashby, Shelly Davis, Linda Paul, Kathleen Reidy and Fran Shimp.

Finance: Led by Stephanie Claypool, VP of Finance

Secretary: Led by Janet Rundquist, Secretary

Counsel: Led by Maggie Marr, Counsel

Finally, a special acknowledgement to the anonymous volunteers who work as judges for our contests, grant our members scholarships and evaluate Women’s Fiction titles for our contests, BookTrib, Goodreads and Pinterest shelves. We appreciate you so much.  

We thank you for all you do!



Retreats 2024

Women’s Fiction Writers Association is inviting you to join one or both of our fall retreats. Our retreats are created so that you can have dedicated time for you and your writing in someplace beautiful with good food and good company. It won't be the same without you.

Albuquerque Writing Retreat 2024 


September 4-7

Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town, Albuquerque, New Mexico 

Join us in sunny Albuquerque! Our presenter, Cleyvis Natera, will lead us through workshops designed to support you, your writing, and your writing community. Come see why so many WFWA writers come back to this idyllic retreat year-after-year.


Alexandria Writing Retreat 2024


October 16-19
The Alexandrian Hotel in Alexandria, Virginia

Join us in historic Alexandria! Our presenter, Angie Hodapp, will lead us through workshops that will help you understand your work and the world of publishing. This will also be the home for the Star Award and Rising Star Award Ceremony this year. You don't want to miss your chance to grow your craft and your confidence in such an amazing place. 



 News and Connections


Inside WFWA (members only)

Read ON! Newsletter

Write ON! E-Zine

Online Groups

Facebook Group (private)

WFWA Online Community on Mighty Networks (private)

Critique Groups

Mentorship Program


Learn With Us

Upcoming Workshops

Wide For The Win Workshop

Back Cover Blurbs Workshop

Webinars (members only)

May Webinar - How to Craft Killer Dialogue

Webinar Replays